EVGA 11g p4 6696 KR vs 11g p4 6796 KR Graphics Card | What’s the Difference?
There is no difference between 11g P4 6696 Kr and 11g P4 6796 Kr except their base clock. The 11g P4 6796 Kr (Elite gaming) comes with 1 MHz more than the 11g P4 6696 Kr one. 11g P4 6696 Kr vs 11g P4 6796 Kr shows that there is little to no variation between them.
There is a slight dissimilarity between these graphics cards which is not even noticeable when these cards perform side by side. The 11g P4 6796 Kr (EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti FTW3 ELITE GAMING) comes with a base clock of 1570 MHz whereas the 11g P4 6696 Kr (EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti FTW3 GAMING) comes with 1569 MHz.

EVGA 11g P4 6696 Kr vs 11g P4 6796 Kr Graphics Card – which one?
EVGA 11g P4 6696 Kr vs 11g P4 6796 Kr shows that almost every specification is the same for them. Only you will see the difference in the base clock speed section.
11g P4 6696 Kr – EVGA GTX 1080 Ti FTW3
This card has a GP102 graphics processor which has 3584 cores. The GPU variant is GP102-350-K1-A1 and the architecture is based on Pascal. It has 11,800 million transistors. The Bus interface is PCIe 3.0 x 16. The card is based on GDDR5X 11GB memory. The memory bus is 352 bit and the bandwidth is 484.4 GB/s.
The GPU has a base clock of 1569 MHz and a boost clock of 1683 MHz. The memory clock is 1376 MHz. It has a pixel rate of 148.1 GPixel/s and a texture rate of 377 GTexel/s. The graphics features, render config and board design will be described in the next point.
11g P4 6796 Kr – EVGA GTX 1080 Ti FTW3 ELITE
This GPU has the same processor as the “6696” one, GP102 with 3584 cores. The GPU variant and architecture are also the same. It also has 11,800 million transistors and a die size of 471 mm². The processor size, release date, bus interface, memory, theoretical performance are also the same.
This GPU has a base clock of 1570 MHz and a boost clock of 1683 MHz. The memory clock is also the same as before. This card has DirectX 12, OpenGL 4.6, OpenCL 3.0, CUDA 6.1, Vulkan 1.2, and shader model of 6.4 which are identical to 11g P4 6696 Kr. It has an L1 cache of 48 KB and an L2 cache of 2.75 MB.
How Long is 1080 Ti FTW3?
1080Ti FTW3 (11g P4 6696 Kr) is 300mm (11.8 inches) long and 127 mm (5 inches) wide. The slot width is dual slot.
If you find the elite one (11g P4 6796 Kr) pricier than the basic one (11g P4 6696 Kr), it is suggested not to buy the former. As 11g P4 6696 Kr vs 11g P4 6796 Kr shows no performance dissimilarity, buying the pricier one makes quite no difference.