How to Power a Computer Fan With an Outlet (Easy Things to Do)
A computer fan can be charged using an outlet, you need some materials for this. A fan is an important device for a computer. Because, while operating a computer, the computer gets too hot. It could be dangerous for the parts of the computer. So, a fan is necessary for a computer to prevent the rise of excess temperature.

Powering a Computer Fan Using an Outlet
Computer fans are usually connected to the motherboard using different connectors. The motherboard controls the fan’s speed. The motherboard supplies some power to the fans through the connector to rotate it in control speed. The fan can be operated manually according to my needs, noise can also be controlled by this.
There are some materials needed to power a computer fan. They are a 12VDC computer fan, 12V transformer, 4 diodes, switch, outlet connector (wires), soldering iron, and solder. Some steps are followed to power a computer fan.
- Step 1: Assemble Wave Rectifier. Use soldering iron and solder to connect 4 diodes. This connection is made to convert the AC current in the wall outlet to the DC current.
- Step 2: Rectify the Transformer. Connect a transfer to the top and bottom nodes of the rectifier using the soldering iron. Ensure, the top node is always positive and the bottom node is always negative and they should not be connected to anything else.
- Step 3: Power the Transformer. First, take a power cable and take a striper to strip the outlet casting. There are two wires inside it. use a stripper to strip them, and connect the wire to the transformer using a soldering iron and a solder.
- Step 4: Test the Setup. Connect the power cable to the outlet. So, the transformer is directly connected to the outlet. Then take a multimeter and connect it with the top and bottom nodes of the rectifier.
The current should be DC current and the voltage should be 12 volts. The motor current is usually 0.18A. and the dc current is usually 0.2A. If not, there should be a problem with the connection.
- Step 5: attach the fan. Solder the fan with the nodes of the rectifier. Connect the positive terminal to the top node and the negative terminal to the bottom node. observe, whether the fan is working or not.
Connect the Fan with the LED driver
For this connection, you are going to need a DC fan, an LED driver, a soldering iron, and a power cord. Then follow these steps.
- Use a striper to strip the connecter end.
- Then connect the fan to the driver using a soldering iron and solder. The voltage of the driver should be 12 volts.
- Connect the input with the power cord and recheck everything.
- Plug the fan into the house outlet.
Connect the Fan with an Adaptor
To establish this connection you need a DC adapter, DC fan, striper, soldering iron, and solder. Then follow these steps.
- Strip a connector end using a stripper.
- Now connect the adaptor and the fan using the soldering iron.
- Recheck everything and plug the adaptor into the main.
Can You Plug the Fan Directly Into the Power Supply?
You can plug the fan directly into the computer’s power supply using 3 pins or a 4-pin header connector to connect the fan. To establish this connection you are going to need a 3 or 4-pin connector, and a DC fan. Then follow these steps.
- First, choose a fan with a standard 3 or 4-pin that matches the end of the socket of the power supply of the motherboard.
- Don’t forget to switch all of the power supplies and disconnect the CPU from all connections and detach the CPU from the Motherboard.
- Connect the socket and the connector with the correct orientation.
- Plug the CPU into the motherboard and recheck everything.
Frequently Asked Questions And Answers
- How Do I Connect My CPU Fan to My Power Supply?
To connect your CPU fan to your power supply, you have to know the location of the headers. Connect the cable to the CPU header named CPU_FAN on the motherboard. CPU_FAN header is located near the CPU socket on the PC motherboard. Insert the fan cable into the header.
- Can I connect 3 pin PC fan to 4 pin header?
Answer: Yes, you can 3-pin PC fan to a 4-pin header.
- How Can I Power a PC Fan Without a Power Supply?
The simplest way to power a PC fan without a power supply is to use an external supply box. You can use an adapter to make an AC current to a DC current and connect a 12-volt transfer with it. Also, you can use a 12-volt DC power supply and connect it to the wall outlet. You can also use a 12-volt battery.
- How Do I Power My PC Fan From the Mains?
A PC fan can be powered from the main line. You can power the fan by using a LED driver or by using an adapter.
A computer fan is a necessary device for a computer. A computer produces enough temperature to damage its functions. A fan is used to cool the component of a computer for better performance. It can be operated automatically or manually. It can be powered with a power supply or without using a power supply.